Yay! So I’m blogging in English today! Why? ‘Cos I got a goodiebag from the US, and my friend Sara deserves to know what I think about it! 😉
Soundtrack: Drowning Pool – Bodies
I got a HEAVY package today! It’s been waiting at the Post-office for a few days since I haven’t had time to go get it, but yesterday was the day! So with Dùnedain serving as my photographer, I got to dive in!
Pixie wanna help; she’s as curious as mum!And Sara made sure to tape it well! 😛Oooh!!It’s gummy bears!! OMG! I love gummy bears!!I asked Sara to buy me some PopTarts, ‘cos I’ve always wanted to try those! She didn’t disappoint! These are cinnemon-PopTarts! <3I also always wanted to try Sour Patch Kids! Here in Norway we have Sur Sild, and I imagen they might be somewhat the same? I’ve seen they’ve got these at Normal, but hey! It’s even better coming straight from the source? 😉I was like: WTF? Are these dog treats? But no! It’s dryer sheets! I’ve found some here in Norway as well, but they … smell funny. These however smell soooo good! And they’re supposed to suck up some of the fur my babies keep shedding all over me and everything I own! Can’t wait to try ’em out!OMG OMG! More PopTarts! These one have strawberry-flavour!Dark chocolate with orange flavour! 😀 We have these in Norway too, but I’ve never tried them. Dùnedain absolutely LOVED them, so he ate half!More chocolate! This one’s with espresso flavour, I think?At first I thought it was marshmallows, but it’s cocoa!Even more cocoa! This one with swiss chocolate. Yay!Oh lookie! It’s a Thors hammer-bottle opener!! Sooo cute! ^^Aaaaw, I love this shirt!!!!And there’s even one for Dùnedain as well!!For the first time in history: Us in matching t-shirts!! (we have matching tattoo’s, but no t-shirts!!)
Most people dream of visiting places like Disneyland or Hollywood or the Empire State Building when they go to the US. Dùnedain? No. He wants go to Wallmart. And as I was opening my mystery-box he was pouting going: -Lucky Sara! She probably bought ALL this stuff at Wallmart! I’m soooo jelous! (He got really sulky when I came back from Los Angeles a few years ago and told him I’d been to Wallmart TWICE! I even bought a pair of shoes there!)
But this was so much fun!! Thank you so much for all these amazing gifts, Sara! <3 Let me know what you’d like for your upcoming birthday and I’ll do my best to match your wishes! ^^